Using the Resource Bank
The Resource Bank within Kandoolu is a searchable database where teachers can find valuable educational content, that helps students improve. Any resource can be selected and sent to any student.
Searching for Resources
To search the Resource bank, click Resources from the Dashboard. You will be brought straight to the Search Resources page. There are three search methods:
By Keyword: Enter the grade subject and/or the student, then enter a Keyword (optional).By Educator Resources: Educator resources are lesson plans and tasks. Click on Students and a Drop-down menu will appear for you to then choose Educators to search for these helpful teacher resources.
By Standard Code: Click Search by Standard Code, underneath the Search form to reveal a list of domains, along with their corresponding standards.
Resource Options - The Resource Details Page
The Resource Details page is where you can see a detailed description of the resource, the grade level for which it is used, the type of material it contains; as well as details on the standards to which it complies. To reach this page, click the name of a Resource.