Bookmarking and Rating Resources
Bookmarking a Resource
Click the Ribbon at the top right corner of a Resource entry. When the Resource has been bookmarked, the ribbon turns pink and the resource is listed under your Resources > Bookmarks section.
To remove the bookmark, click the ribbon again.
Viewing Bookmarked Resources
To view Bookmarked Resources, click Bookmarks, in the Dashboard. This will open a list of resources that you have previously bookmarked. The list can be sorted by Resource Rating, Name, or Bookmark Date.
Viewing Your Resource Ratings
To view the Resources that you have rated, click Ratings in the Dashboard. You can sort Resources by the Rating you have given, the date you rated the Resource, or by Resource Name. You can also remove the rating; in which case, the Resource will be removed from your list as well.
Rating Resources Anonymously
Go to your Resources tab from the Dashboard. Then select which Resource you would like to review by clicking on the Resource from your Sent or Bookmarked Resources. Locate the Rate Anonymously (scroll to the bottom of the page) check box and check it. Now, simply rate the Resource by clicking on the number of stars that you would like to rate it.