Roster Approvals
Sync your Rosters to Kandoolu
Before you can approve any students for addition to your roster, you need students to approve. See our guides on Syncing Your Google Classroom Roster, Syncing Your Schoology Roster, or Syncing Your EdInsight Roster for more info.
Approving Students for your Roster
If you see any students on this page, it means that they have not been added to your roster yet, and require your approval.
1. Click the arrow to expand the group and see which students are in it.
2. Approve or Disapprove each student individually by clicking the "+" or "-" sign next to a name, OR
3. Click Approve Group to approve every student in the group
4. You will see an indicator there of how many you have approved, out of how many are in that group
5. After you've selected students to approve, click Add Approved Students to Roster