Giving and Supervising a Self-Guided Quiz
Self-Guided Quizzes allow students to work at their own pace and are recommended for take-home assignments.
Tip: Check our guide on How to Create a Quiz if you need help getting started!
Giving a Self-Guided Quiz
1. You can give a Quiz immediately after having created a new one; or later, by finding your desired Quiz; in the Quizzes section of your Dashboard and clicking Give Quiz.
2. Select Self-guided in the next screen.
3. Assign your Quiz to student groups and/or individual students. This is optional - If you do not want to assign your Quiz to anyone, simply proceed to Step 4 to go directly to the Quiz Room.
4. Press Go to Quiz Room to receive an access code.
5. Copy the Access Code and give it to additional students who should join the Quiz.
Supervising a Self-Guided Quiz
Once your Quiz has started, your students can immediately access it and answer questions.
You may easily oversee a Quiz by finding it in the Quizzes section of your Kandoolu Dashboard and clicking View Details.
Tip: There is also an Open a New Session button that allows you to give the same Quiz multiple times, to different students.
1. Begin by choosing the correct session that you would like to oversee and click Enter Quiz Room.
2. You are now in the Class Snapshot, where all your Quiz information is available:
a. A snapshot of the Quiz status.
b. A Questions tab where you can access each question and see the answers that your students have provided.
c. A Student tab where you can see the total progress of each individual student and access their Quiz results.
Viewing the Quiz Status
While your Quiz is in progress (Students have not completed it yet), your class snapshot will show:
A. The number of complete Quizzes.
B. The number of incomplete Quizzes.
C. The option to End the Quiz.
When your Quiz is completed (You have ended it once all students have completed it), the Class Snapshot will display:
A. The Average Score, calculated for all students.
B. The Strongest Questions - These have received the highest number of correct answers.
C. The Weakest Questions - These have received the highest number of incorrect answers.
D. Question Scores - A chart that displays the average score corresponding to each question in your Quiz, based on all of your students’ answers.
E. The option to export your Quiz results to CSV.
Viewing Student Answers from within the Class Snapshot
A. Access the Questions tab for detailed insight into the answers that each of your students has provided to each question in your Quiz. The questions are accessible regardless of the status of the Quiz. This means that even if your students haven’t completed it yet, you can still see the answers they have provided already.
B. In the list of questions, click the arrow next to the score to expand the question.
C. To the right of each answer, Kandoolu lists the number of students who have provided it. Click the link to see which ones.
Viewing Student Results from within the Class Snapshot
The Student tab shows the name of each student taking the Quiz, their score and a progress bar, showing how much of the Quiz they have completed.
When a student completes the Quiz, their name becomes clickable and takes you to their Quiz answers.
In addition to informing you on whether the answer is correct or not,
Kandoolu also provides feedback on the student’s understanding
concerning the topic at hand. Below is an example of a Geometry Quiz to
which the student only scored 40%.