Viewing Recommended and Sent Resources
Viewing Recommended Resources Based on Results
After a Quiz, Kandoolu automatically recommends resources for students, based on their score. If they score high, they receive a more challenging resource that is specific to the skill they are working on. If they score low, they receive a resource that is easier, that will help teach them the skill they are struggling with.
1. To view recommended Resources click Recommended, in the Dashboard.
2. On the Recommended Resources Page, Kandoolu allows you to filter, search and sort resources, as well as to send and dismiss them.
3. You may filter these resources by:
a. Selecting a student group.
b. Selecting a level - Below, at or above grade level.
c. Entering a keyword.
4. Send and Dismiss Resources - Resources are recommended based on the student’s results as well as on the questions that they have not answered correctly. This ensures that students gain insight into the notions that they need to catch up on.
a. Click Send All to send all listed Resources to students or Dismiss All to remove them all from this list.
b. Click Send next to a student’s list entry to send that particular resource to the corresponding student. This will not affect other resources in the list. Once the Resource has been sent, the resource will be removed from the Recommended Resources list and will be added to the Sent Resource section.
c. Dismiss the Resource if you do not consider it to be relevant or helpful for the student to which it is assigned. The student will be removed from the Recommended Resources list.
5. Access Resource Details - Simply click the Resource title to go to the Resource Details page.
Viewing Sent Resources
Go to Sent under Resources, in the Dashboard, to access the resources that you have previously sent to your students. Here is where you can see:
- The student to whom the Resource has been sent.
- The Resource name and standard.
- Whether it has been viewed and when.
- You can also choose to Resend a resource if it hasn't been viewed yet.