Standard Coverage Report
The Kandoolu Standard Coverage Report provides a quick glance to see how your students are performing across different standards that have been covered. You can view all data for the school year or choose a certain time frame to run the report on. You can also choose to run the report across all of your students, certain groups, or individual students. See below for more details!
Accessing and Running the Standard Coverage Report
1. Click Standard Coverage on the Kandoolu Dashboard. You will then be able to choose the parameters for the report that you wish to access.
a. Click the Select grade level drop down box to choose the grade that you wish to access. This section is not mandatory and a grade level does not need to be chosen to run the report.
b. Click the Select reporting category drop down box to choose the reporting category you wish to access. A selection will need to be made in this section for the report to be accessed.
c. Choose a group of students under Select student groups or choose individual student(s) from the drop down box in the section And/Or select students . (Note: You will need to Select reporting category even if you are choosing individual students.)
d. Once you made your selections, click View Report.
Choosing a Date Range
Once you have chosen your parameters and selected View Report, Kandoolu will take you to the next screen. This is where you can choose to run the report based on a certain period of time.
1. Choose the student that you wish to run the report on by clicking in the drop down box just below Select students.
2. To change the period of time that you wish to focus on, click on the drop down box (es) below Before and/or After. The reports during the identified time frame will automatically appear underneath.
3. To run a new report click on Run Another Report and you will be brought back to the original Standard Coverage Report page.
*Note- The color ranges are as follows: orange is 0 to 59%, yellow is 60% to 79%, and green is 80% to 100%