Giving a Quiz to Additional Students
Existing Quizzes can be given to additional students any time after having been initially completed.
Tip: If you would like for the results of any additional students to be displayed together with the results of those who have previously taken the Quiz, we recommend giving it from the Results page (Option 1). If you want to separate student groups and results, find and give an older Quiz. (Option 2).
Option 1: Give a Quiz from the Results Page
Each time you give the same Quiz to additional students, using the Results page on the Dashboard, Kandoolu will reopen the current session, so that more students can take the quiz if they missed it. All students who have been quizzed, as well as their results, will be displayed together, within the same Quiz session.
1. To access this, click on Results in the Dashboard and then View Results on the quiz you wish to add students to.
Next, choose whether you would like to give the Quiz as Self-Guided or Teacher-Led and follow the steps to give the Quiz as usual.
Option 2: Find and Give an Older Quiz
Giving a Quiz this way will create a new session of the same Quiz, each containing separate groups of students and results.
Select Quizzes in your Kandoolu Dashboard, then find your desired Quiz from the list and click Give Quiz.