Using Resources
Resources are your pathway to learning, gaining better understanding, and higher quiz scores. Your Teachers can use Kandoolu to send you personalized Resources depending on how you score in particular Quizzes. The Resources can help you improve your understanding of the subject and score higher on your next quiz; or the Resources can help to challenge you if you received the maximum score.
1. Browse Resources by going to the Resources section within Kandoolu, then scrolling down the list. New resources that you have not visited yet have a “NEW” sign to their right and are placed at the top of your list. Visited resources are at the bottom. Each resource is accompanied by:
- The date when it has been sent to you
- The name of the Teacher who sent it
- The type of resource: App, Community Event/Activity, Online Game, Website, Skill Practice/Activity, Video or Other
- The number of students who have viewed it.
2. Filter by new or visited resources (A) or search by keyword (B). There are also a variety of list Sort by options available as well (C).
3. Visit Resources by clicking the Go! button
next to the Resource you wish to use. We do not control the content of the websites that
are sent to you and we are not responsible for the content or
privacy/security policies of the website! This is why, after you click
Go!, we let you know that you’re about to leave Kandoolu. Click OK and your Resource website will open in a separate browser window.
4. Report issues by clicking Report an issue below
the Go button. In the form that comes up, simply let us know what type
of issue you would like to report and write a comment if you would like
to. Click Send when you are finished.
5. Rate Resources using the Rate this resource link underneath the Resource details.
You can choose as many alien faces as you'd like to show us how you feel about that Resource. Click them once to choose them, click them again to deselect them. Click Rate this resource! when finished.
After you have rated it, you can always go back and change your rating.