Accessing Quiz Results

Your Quiz Results are displayed automatically, immediately after having ended a Quiz, regardless of its type. Here is how you can find your results later:

  1. Sign into Kandoolu.
  2. Click Results, in the left side menu.
  3. Find the Quiz for which you would like to review your results and click View Results.

4. Your results are now displayed:

A. Progress - At the top of your results, you can find a Progress bar that shows how many questions you have answered out of the total.

B. Score - Your overall score is displayed next.

C. Questions and Answers - Underneath your overall score, you can see all of the questions included in the Quiz. Click the arrow on the right to view all of the answer options. Your answer will be highlighted and you will see which answer was correct and which ones were not. The correct answer will have a green checkmark icon next to it, while the incorrect ones will have a red “x” icon.